Online Driver Improvement

Online DRIVER improvement clinic

  • 100% ONLINE !
  • First you must pay for the online course by clicking on the PayPal button below. Before you leave PayPal, you must click on the RETURN TO MERCHANT link.
  • After you click RETURN TO MERCHANT, you will be directed to the online course where you should register immediately. After registering for the online course, you will be sent an email with the direct link to the online course – which you will click (or copy and paste) whenever you want to return to your online sessions.
  • You can start reading the course now or whenever you want!
  • The course is 100% online! – You can take the course and final exam anywhere around the world! Even in the comfort of your home!
  • The program grades the test and reveals the results. Once you have successfully completed the course by passing the final exam online, we will email you a course completion certificate (DMV Form DIC 552B). Be aware – the creation of your unique DIC 552B student completion certificate is a DMV-developed manual process so your certificate will be emailed to you within 24 to 48 hours of your course completion (and payment). If you fail the examination, you will be allowed to review any session of the completed course to prepare to take the examination again. No refunds.

How It Works

  • Upon registering for the online course with us, you will immediately receive a user name, password, and link to the course website via email.
  • You will then log in to the website and complete the online course as instructed.
  • Upon completing the online course, you will be directed back to us to complete the final exam. The website will give you written verification of completion of the theory portion, which you will need to bring with you to take your final exam.
  • Please call us to schedule a time to come in and take the final exam.

Testing Procedure:

On the day of testing, please report to our DMV-approved testing location in Virginia Beach, at the scheduled time to take your final test in our computer testing area. You must bring the following:

  • Photo identification (DMV issued identification card, school-issued identification card, valid passport, or military identification)
  • Proof of completion of the online driver education course
  • A completed "Parental Consent for Online Driver Education Examination" (DTS 62), if you are under the age of 18

"DMV is committed to promoting safety through the certification of quality driver training programs. If you have any questions or concerns about this course, call our toll-free number, 1-877-835-5790."

For more information on our online classes or the DMV provides, call us today at (757) 486-4040 in Virginia Beach, VA.

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